- Apply for the 194 Notified Services.
- File an Appeal to the Appellate Authority in case your application is delayed or denied.
- File an Appeal to the Commission in case your first appeal is delayed or denied.
- Track the Status of Services and Appeals.
- Attend Hearing (if any) online through Video Conference.
A Comprehensive Citizen Platform
"For timely delivery of notified services to the citizens of Meghalaya and remedy in case of service delayed/service denied"
Service Requests
Appeals to Appelate Authority
Appeals Submitted
Appeals Disposed
Appeals Pending
The Dashboard is updated daily. Last Updated on Mar 25, 2025 12:00 AM
Appeals to Commission
Appeals Submitted
Appeals Disposed
Penalties Imposed
The Dashboard is updated daily. Last Updated on Mar 25, 2025 12:00 AM
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are notified Services?
Presently,194 services of various Government Departments have been notified under this Act. Citizens who apply for any of these services are entitled to receive these services within the stipulated timeframe and can approach the Commission as the second Appellate Authority in case the services have been denied or delayed wrongfully.
What is First Appeal?
In case service has not been provided to you within the specific time as defined under this Act or rejected, you can Appeal to the Appellate Authority within 30 days so that he / she can examine your application and pass necessary orders.
Who is an Appellate Authority?
The Appellate Authority is an officer above the Designated Officer with the powers to hear appeals against the orders passed by a Designated Officer. He is bound to dispose off appeals within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Appeal.
How do I file my First Appeal?
To file an Appeal against a Service which is delayed or denied, you must first register or login in our website https://mspsdc.meghalaya.gov.in. Once you register or log in you will be able to file an Appeal to the concerned Appellate Authority.
Steps to Register / Login:
- Click on Login.
- Enter your Mobile Number used while registering against Username.
- Enter your Password created while registering against your Username
- If this is the first time, you are visiting this website, kindly click on "Create Account" to create an account in this website
Steps to File an Appeal:
- Click on File First Appeal
Fill the online Form
- Select the Service for which you want to file an appeal from the drop down menu
- Select the office from whom the service had been applied from the drop down menu
- Type your Relief Sought. For example, to reconsider application, to provide the service as all criterion have been met, etc.
- Provide any other information necessary for filling appeal. Report Complaints, Additional information, etc
- Choose your preferred hearing type i.e., In person or through VC
- Upload Identification Proof (Epic Card/Aadhar Card/PAN Card/Driving License)
- Upload List of Supporting document to avail the service. (Note: More than one document can be uploaded by choosing the Add button )
How do I file an Appeal to the Commission?
You can file Appeal to the Commission only if your First Appeal to the Appellate Authority is not processed within 30 days or you are aggrieved by the decision of the Appellate Authority using the first appeal reference number. You can also approach the Commission if the Designated Officer has not complied with the order of the Appellate Authority.
- Login using your registered mobile number and password (The same as the first appeal)
- Enter the First Appeal Reference Number
- Fill the online form and submit
- Once successfully submitted, you will get confirmation page with a Reference Number.
- Please Save this Reference Number for future references
- To Track your Appeal status, please Login using your Mobile Number and Password and Go to Inbox to Track the Status of your Appeal.
- Link to the VC or Notification on the date of Hearing in Person fixed will be sent to your inbox and mobile number.